सुरक्षित संग्रह - भण्डारण एवं रख रखाव - संग्रहालयों से प्राय सम्रद्ध सांस्कृतिक धरोहर का प्रलेखन, संरक्षण और प्रदर्शन करने वाले महत्वपूर्ण संसथान का बोध होता है | संग्रहालय केवल सामग्रियों के ही नहीं बल्कि पारंपरिक और समकालीन ज्ञान के भी कोष है | चूँकि प्रादर्शों के माध्यम से लोगों के सम्मुख ज्ञान का प्रदर्शन किया जाता है, अतः एक संग्रहालय का संकलन उसकी ह्रदय रेखा मन जाता है | प्राकृतिक संसाधनों से लेकर मानव सर्जन तक एक संग्रहालय में संकलन सांस्कृतिक धरोहर और ज्ञान के बारे में जानने/ सीखने का अवसर उपलब्ध कराता है | प्रत्येक संग्रहालय अपने उद्देश्य और प्रकृति के अनुसार प्रादर्शों का संकलन करता है| संकलन के उपरांत इन्हें विधिवत प्रलेखित और फिर जनता के समक्ष प्रदर्शित या प्रस्तुत किया जाता है | इं.गां.रा.मा.सं. मूलतः समय और स्थान में मानव जाति की कथा के प्रदर्शन के उद्देश्य के साथ एक मानव शास्त्रीय संग्रहालय है| इं.गां.रा.मा.सं भारत के लोक और जनजातीय लोगों से पारंपरिक तथा समकालीन सांस्कृतिक प्रादर्शों का संकलन करता है | आज इस संग्रहालय में भारत के लोक व जनजातीय लोगों के दैनिक उपयोग साथ ही कलात्मक उत्पादों और कुछ अन्य देशों से भी 25000 से अधिक मानव शास्त्री प्रादर्शों का संकलन है | इस संग्रहालय के अधिकारीयों द्वारा प्रादर्शों का संकलन क्षेत्र कार्य के माध्यम से तथा कुछ अन्य संस्थाओं एवं श्रोतों से सहयोगात्मक कार्यों के माध्यम से भी किया जाता है | ये प्रादर्श फील्ड डाटा शीट के साथ आरोहण हेतु प्राप्त होते है | देयकों तथा डाटा शीट के सत्यापन के पश्चात आरोहण पंजी में प्रादर्श के बारे में कुछ मूलभूत जानकारी जैसे प्रादर्श का नाम, हिंदी तथा अंग्रेजी भाषा में समानार्थी शब्द, समुदाय, स्थल, उपयोग, मूल्य इत्यादि सम्मिलित कर आरोहित किया जाता है | प्रत्येक प्रादर्श को एक अलग आरोहण क्रमांक दिया जाता है ,जोकि स्थाई क्रमांक होता है तथा कभी भी किसी अन्य प्रादर्श को हस्तांतरित नहीं होता | जैसे ही प्रादर्श का आरोहण हो जाता है उस पर एक इंडेक्स कार्ड तैयार कियाक जाता है |
Storage and Maintenance Museums are usually understood as great institution for the documentation, preservation and display of the rich cultural heritage. A museum is also known as a treasure house, not only of the materials but also of traditional as well as contemporary knowledge. Since this knowledge is displayed, to the public through objects, the collection of a museum is believed to be the heart line of the museum. The collection in a museum from natural resources to human creation give an opportunity to learn about the cultural heritage and the knowledge. Each and every Museum collects the objects according to its objectives and nature. After collection it is properly documented then it is displayed or presented to the public. IGRMS is basically an ethnographic museum with a goal to depict the story of humankind in time and space. The IGRMS collects the traditional and contemporary cultural objects of folk and tribal people of India. As on today there is a collection of more than 25,000 ethnographic objects of daily use as well as the artistic products of folk and tribal people of India and only a few from some other countries in this museum. The objects are collected through field work by the official of this Museum as also from other institutions and resources through collaborative exercise. These objects are received for accession along with the Field Data Sheet.. After verification of the bill and data sheet, accession is made in accession register by incorporating the basic information about object i.e. Name of object. Equivalent in Hindi and English languages, Community, Locality, Use, Price etc. Each object is given a separate accession number, which is a permanent number and never transferred to any other object. As soon as the objects are accessioned index, card is prepared on it. Detailed documentation of a specimen is always a lengthy process. It does not mean that one should not go for the detailed documentation, but the information about the object must be collected in detail as much as available during the collection, which is followed by upgradation of information from references and other sources. The IGRMS Curators use to fill up the Field Data Sheet in the field in which the basic information about the object is collected. The accession sheet is filled with the basic information and a photograph of the object where as the catalogue sheet is filled with detailed information. IGRMS has already started the computerization of the specimen. It is a continuous process. In IGRMS we have categorized our collection in 17 functional categories of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Art and Craft, Basketry, Fishing, Games & Amusement, Household, Hunting, Musical, Narcotics, Ornament, Ritual, Spinning & Weaving, Textile, Travel & Transport, Tools and Weapons. After accession and categorization the specimens are photographed and then sent to the respective room for storage. The IGRMS is following the Categorized Storage System. All the objects are not stored at a place but are kept in different rooms belonging to different categories. For better maintenance of the museum objects these are stored in compactors, almirahs, cabinets, racks and pedestals according to their requirement. The objects of perishable and delicate nature are stored in Compactors and Cabinets. Big objects are usually kept on open pedestals or open racks. For leather puppet and small scroll and paper painting, special storage has been made in drawing cabinets. For maintaining such objects the specimens store unit has to devise and apply specific and specialized techniques, which have given sustainability to these objects. As a custodian of these valuable examples of cultural heritage, the museum curators have always to keep this in their mind that the objects are to be kept forever, ever and ever.