- To present an integrated story of the Evolution of man and culture with special reference to India;
- To highlight the richness and diversity of Cultural patterns in India and its underlying unity;
- To promote national integration;
- To organize indoor and outdoor Exhibitions on :
- Human Evolution and Human Variation;
- Culture and Society in Pre and proto historic times; and
- Patterns of culture;
- To take steps to salvage and preserve the fast vanishing aspect of the Indian Culture;
- To promote and conduct research in the related subjects and provide funds and enter into arrangements with other similar institutions for the purpose of furtherance of the objectives of the Samiti;
- To act as a centre of research and training in museology of the appropriate kind and generate in the course of time a new museum movement in the different regions of India to present and preserve variety of cultural life; and
- To undertake all such activities as and when considered necessary for the achievement of the said objectives.
Aims & Objectives
Updated date: 16-10-2015 11:48:13